Wednesday 30 September 2015

24th SEPTEMBER 2015 it was HARI RAYA AIDILADHA.. and i didnt going back home and I celebrate with my eldest brother and sister in law's family,, pagi raya kat masjid,, sitting alone without anyone yg kukenal,, tiba2 sebak masa tengah takbir raya.. as it was the first time tak raya bersama family kat kamopung..i thought i would never cry as i am with my brother but nothing can stop me how much i miss my family in morning of hari raya aidiladha.. time solat raya, selalunya kat sebelah akan ad mak, kakak, kak ngah or sometimes ad kakak ipar kalau balik raya bersama.. for this year , i only sitting alone beside mak cik2.. and after solat raya,,, we eat together and then we done nothing... tahun ni raya haji yang lain dari selalu apabila kitorang decide nk pergi tengok wayang that is POLIS EVO!!!
benda paling sedih hari raya ni bila mak kol,, tanye makan apa, ucap selamat hari raya and then suddenly she cried,, i tried not to cry when talking to my mum but when she's the one yg cry dulu,, my tears also falling down and i also cried in front of my brother n sister in law... so i made myself promise as setiap kali raya tak kira raya haji,, i need to go back home... i'll never do it again... and that night we going to putrajaya and having fun there riding bicycle...

Saturday 19 September 2015

start a new chapter

now already in September of 2015. and my birthday had past and on the week of orientation which called Minggu Haluan Siswa (MHS). A long time i had left blogging... hmmm.. now i'm already in my degree life in UM after a year in Penang Matriculation life. what surprise me is i'm not using my SPM result as it is not good enough but i'm still grateful of it.. i used my matric's result as i score well in exam and got great CGPA which is 4.0.. in matrics, i realize that even if we fail a time, doesn't mean we always fail and vice versa. alhamdulillah dengan rezeki yg Allah beri, now i am at UM in Bachelor of Science Statistics.. my brain are full of numbers symbols related to mathematics.. i hope i can focus well n do well so i can graduate in only 3 and half years.